Command line
We have defined some commands in the app's package.json file to help us automatize some actions like generating a new GraphQL schema when their structure change on the server-side, generate typescript type from the Graphql app' schema. Let's explained each command.
yarn start
Help us to start the metro bundler
yarn test
To test components
yarn test:watch
Help to watch for modification files and re-run tests if necessary
yarn lint
For linting our code
yarn shake-android
Help to reload android emulator as needed.
yarn download-schema
Help to download the graphql schema
yarn generate-type
Help to automatically generate the typescript type of the graphql app' schema
yarn generate
Help to generate meta graphql informations to help us use fragments in our graphql's queries.
yarn android
Help to run android app in a phone or in a android emulator
yarn ios
Help to run ios app.
You can use other commands not specify in the script of the app's package.json file. Like detox, if you install it globally it will help you, you can modify the detox configuration in the package.json file and run an e2e test like: